How To Install PostgreSQL In Xampp And Integrating With PhpPgAdmin

How To Install PostgreSQL In Xampp And Integrating With PhpPgAdmin

Note:- Already assume that you have installed xampp on your system. Also proceed next step further to install postgresql & phppgadmin in xampp.

1. Download PostgreSql & PhpPgAdmin

– Download the postgresql installer from here and run it.

– Set the installation path to C:\Xampp\PostgreSQL\16 (the pgsql folder will need to be created, the folder named 16 needs to be created, I named it like that based on the current postgres version).

– Download the phppgadmin repository (Code -> Download ZIP).

– Extract zip folder and paste in path C:\Xampp\phpPgAdmin

2. Modify Php.ini File

– Navigate to C:\Xampp\php and open php.ini with an editor like VSCode or Notepad++.

– Uncomment (by removing the preceding ;) the lines extension=pgsqlextension=pdo_pgsql & save the file.

3. Modify PhpPgAdmin Config file

– Go to C:\Xampp\phpPgAdmin\conf and rename to

– Open with an editor like VSCode or Notepad++.

– Change the line $conf['servers'][0]['host'] = ''; to $conf['servers'][0]['host'] = 'localhost';.

– Change the lines $conf['servers'][0]['pg_dump_path'] = '/usr/bin/pg_dump'; and $conf['servers'][0]['pg_dumpall_path'] = '/usr/bin/pg_dumpall'; to $conf['servers'][0]['pg_dump_path'] = 'C:\\Xampp\\PostgreSQL\\16\\bin\\pg_dump.exe'; and $conf['servers'][0]['pg_dump_path'] = 'C:\\Xampp\\PostgreSQL\\16\\bin\\pg_dumpall.exe'; & save the file.

4. Modify Xampp Config File

Please find httpd-xampp.conf file as given path C:\Xampp\apache\conf\extra & open in editor add below snippet before the line <IfModule alias_module> then save the file.

Alias /phppgadmin "C:/Xampp/phpPgAdmin"
<Directory "C:/Xampp/phpPgAdmin">
   AllowOverride AuthConfig
   Require all granted

5. Restart Apache & Postgresql Service 

– Check the url link:- http://localhost/phppgadmin/ 

– Click on postgresql server in sidebar then login with your credential it’s working fine now as below Snapshot.



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